GTA IV Update 1.04
Release Note:::
Version – November 10, 2009
* Convert all region SKU's into the same SKU.
* Include support for all languages within single exe.
* Allow controls to be double mapped on keyboard.
* Added option in controls menu to disable mouse controls in helicopters.
* Adjust keyboard control sensitivity in hood cam view in vehicles.
* Security Updates to deter cheating in multiplayer.
* Hosts can now immediately Kick users from their games in Lobby and in game via Cell phone without having to rely on peer voting.
* Fixed a bug in Cops 'n Crooks mode where Host would drop out and prevent remaining players from leaving game.
Useful Info:
Rangkuman dari gtaforums tentang patch ini:
Jangan terllu percaya sama bencmarknya, karena ga terlalu akurat. Saya(si admin gtaforums) dapat tambahan 5-6 fps setelah install patch baru, tapi benchmarknya malah sebaliknya. Play the game and judge for yourself.
Sumber: post ke-2 terjemahan sendiri
Artinya patch diatas berisi update2 terdahulu jadi bs instal langsung tanpa perlu patch yang lama. Patch baru ne juga untuk 'prepare for gold build' utk update selanjutnya.
Download links:::
Jamu utk Patch 1.04 memank uda kluar & sy tes maen sama spt jamu patch2 terdahulu serta stabil.
Quicks Installation:::
1. Instal game hingga selesai sesuai dgn petunjuk dari readme.txt master GTA IV yg didonlot dari link lokal
2. Instal Patch 1.04
3. Pake jamu asli
patch 1.04 coz bisa dijalankan jamunya
4. Instal
5. Instal
update Rockstar Social Game Club terbaru
6. Instal Directx Redist yang terbaru
(Directx Redist August 09)
7. Biasakan update driver VGA terbaru (ATI & NVIDIA)
Spoiler untuk Troubleshootings & FAQ:
Sengaja gw bwt ne biar g' ulang2 tanyanya....
Stuttering Problem (Sumber
If you are experiencing frame speed fluctuations, please update to the latest video drivers, then use the -memrestrict commandline. Please do not use any other commandlines as they may override the effects of this one. Start at the lowest number based on your texture setting (ie. try them one at a time) You can try to increase the number until you notice stuttering again.
-memrestrict 188743680 LOW TEXTURES (256M Video Cards)
-memrestrict 209715200
-memrestrict 230686720
-memrestrict 262144000 MED TEXTURES (512M Video Cards)
-memrestrict 293601280
-memrestrict 314572800
-memrestrict 629145600 HIGH TEXTURES (1Gig+ Video Cards)
-memrestrict 650117120
-memrestrict 681574400
If you still notice stuttering with the lowest number, there may be a seperate issue with your system configuration.
System Requirements:
Minimum System Requirements
* Operating System: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 OR Windows XP Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHz
* Memory/RAM: 1.5GB for Vista, 1GB for XP
* Hard Disk Space: 16GB Free
* Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 or 256MB ATI X1900
Recommended System Requirements
* Operating System: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 OR Windows XP Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4GHz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1GHz
* Memory/RAM: 2.5GB for Vista, 2.5GB for XP
* Hard Disk Space: 18 GB Free
* Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 8600 or 512MB ATI 3870
Cara bikin commandline : (Copas dari forum sebelah)
1. buka folder GTA IV
2. di dalam foldernya klik kanan, New-> Text document
3. Ntar keluar file baru, New Text Document.txt.
Ganti namanya jadi commandline.txt
4. Buka commandline.txt, terus isi sama parameter2nya (tanpa tulisan sesudah titik dua, itu hanya menjelaskan fungsi dari masing2 command aja), kalo ada yg membutuhkan nilai masukin aja asal sesuai rangenya.
mau cuman dikasih spasi mau dikasih baris baru sama aja.
-novblank -norestrictions -nomemrestrict -renderquality 4 -shadowdensity 16 -texturequality 2
Command Line Parameters: (Copas dari forum sebelah)
-benchmark: Runs the benchmark tool and immediately exits game.
-help: Display list of all command line options
-renderquality: Set the render quality of the game. (0-4)
-shadowdensity: Set the shadow density of the game. (0-16)
-texturequality: Set the texture quality of the game. (0-2)
-viewdistance: Set the view distance of the game (0-99)
-detailquality: Set the detail quality of the game. (0-99)
-novblank: Disable wait for vblank (No Vsync)
-norestrictions: Do not limit graphics settings
-width: Set width of main render window (default is 800)
-height: Set height of main render window (default is 600)
-safemode: Run the graphics in the lowest setting possible
-frameLimit: Limit frame to interval of refresh rate
(ex If refreshrate is 60HZ –frameLimit 1 = Locks down to 60HZ)
-refreshrate: Set the refresh rate of main render window
– Warning - Monitor must support (ex. –refreshrate 60)
-fullscreen: Force fullscreen mode
-windowed: Force windowed mode
-availablevidmem: Set amount of physical Video Memory(ex. –availablevidmem 0.9)
-percentvidmem: Percentage of video memory to make available to GTA
-fullspecaudio: Force high-end CPU audio footprint
-minspecaudio: Force low-end CPU audio footprint
-noprecache: Disable precache of resources
-nomemrestrict: Disable memory restrictions
Selamat Mencoba & jgn lupa +rep
Full Review Lokal:
Click Here
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